Infrastructure projects

The SNF Health Initiative’s infrastructure projects include the design, construction and outfitting of three new state-of-the-art hospitals in Komotini, Thessaloniki, and Sparta, as well as infrastructure expansion and renovation projects at existing hospitals in Greece, Spain, and the United States.
The three new SNF Hospitals
The new SNF hospitals in Greece have been designed by internationally renowned architect Renzo Piano and the architectural firm Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW), in collaboration with Betaplan. The ultimate goal is the simultaneous delivery of three new hospitals, which will serve as reference points for both geographic peripheries of the country and the international health care infrastructure sector, to the Greek public in late 2025.
On June 23, 2022, the SNF hospital town hall meetings took place in the context of the SNF Nostos Health Conference held at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) in Athens. The Design Team presented progress on design and implementation to an audience that included stakeholders from the three future hospitals as well as international health practitioners, researchers, state representatives, and the broader public. Apart from the architectural and environmental specifications, the audience saw the final designs of the hospitals, their enhanced clinical programs, and, in the case of Sparta, preparatory works in progress for the construction of the future hospital.
Representatives of the Hellenic Ministry of Health reaffirmed their commitments to the completion of road and public utility connections that will support the operation of the SNF hospitals, as well as the execution of workforce plans that will ensure the three health facilities work at full capacity from day one.
The three SNF hospitals not only aspire to act as catalysts for the Greek national health system, but they are also raising the bar as templates for future hospitals. They are designed to operate in a way that puts people at the center while following three core values: the importance of nature and its therapeutic power, environmental sustainability aiming to reduce the hospitals’ carbon footprint and prepare for a zero-emission future, and medical excellence paired with holistic patient-centric care. As part of this effort, the hospitals will be serving as pilot projects under an ambitious new partnership between SNF and the U.S. Green Building Council to develop a framework that recognizes the readiness of buildings to operate as carbon-zero facilities. In the spirit of collaboration and exchange that permeates SNF’s global grantmaking, partnerships with Johns Hopkins Medicine International and New York Presbyterian are also being pursued and carefully crafted to help enhance the clinical profile and future standing of the three SNF hospitals.
- New Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) General Hospital of Komotini
Since the previous 11th Update on SNF’s Health Initiative, progress on the new SNF General Hospital of Komotini passed a major milestone, namely the launch in April 2022 of the tender for the construction and outfitting of the hospital.
Once the construction design, clinical program, and medical equipment lists were finalized, Health Initiative S.A. issued the tender documents to shortlisted tenderers in April 2022. With the hospital’s building permit issued in May 2022, construction is due to commence in the first quarter of 2023. In parallel, the tendering of the infrastructure work for the hospital’s connection to roads and public utility networks under the purview of the Greek state has started, with completion of the tender projected for the first quarter of 2023. According to the Grant Agreement ratified by Greek laws no. No.4667/2020 and No.4812/2021, this work is expected to be completed one year prior to the delivery of the new facility to the Greek state.
During SNF Nostos 2022, multiple stakeholders from the public sector who have played a key role in the development of the future hospital’s clinical program and design participated in a rich discussion on the hospitals. Representatives from the 4th Health District commented on SNF’s consultation process, highlighting the involvement of hospital staff whose input contributed to the revamped clinical program and also led to enhancements to the future hospital’s workforce plan. Representatives from the Ministry of Health explained the steps taken to ensure the timely activation of the new SNF General Hospital of Komotini and affirmed the Greek state’s continued commitment to the agreed timetable.
According to the current timeline, the new SNF General Hospital of Komotini will be delivered to the Greek public at the end of 2025.
- Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) University Pediatric Hospital of Thessaloniki
Since the Hellenic Parliament ratified the Grant Agreement between SNF and the Greek state in February 2022 (Law no. 4889/2022), the Design Team continued the preparation of the construction design package which was submitted in July 2022. This laid the groundwork for the launch in early August 2022 of the tender for construction and outfitting of the new SNF University Pediatric Ηospital of Thessaloniki that will be located on the outskirts of the city, in Filyro.
The final construction design study has been officially approved by the Ministry of Health, incorporating, to the extent possible, proposals put forward by the medical and academic community of Thessaloniki in the consultations SNF organized. In October 2022, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport awarded the contract for upgrading road connections and installing public utility networks that will support the future hospital’s operation and which are due to be completed by the first half of 2025.
During the town hall meeting held in the context of the SNF Nostos Health Conference, the President of the School of Medicine at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki commended the vision and ambition that inspires the University Pediatric Hospital’s design, while the Mayor of Pilaias-Hortiatis highlighted the transparency of a substantive consultation process conducted by SNF and the Design Team. Moreover, the discussion highlighted the continued collaboration between SNF and the Ministries of Health and Education, which led to provisions for additional positions within the Medical School specifically for the future Pediatric Hospital, with the budget being shouldered by both Ministries.
The tender process for the construction and outfitting of the hospital is reaching its final stages, and the building permit has been issued by the relevant authorities. Based on the current timetable, the new SNF University Pediatric Hospital of Thessaloniki is scheduled to be completed and delivered to the Greek public in late 2025.
- New Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) General Hospital of Sparta
The Grant Agreement between SNF and the Greek state for the new SNF General Hospital of Sparta was ratified by Parliament on March 31, 2022 (Law no. 4917/2022). With the construction design package completed in early July 2022, Health Initiative S.A. launched the tender process for the construction and outfitting of the new hospital in August 2022.
The construction design study incorporated the new infrastructure layout agreed upon in summer 2021 by SNF and the Greek state with the necessary change of location of the new hospital which resulted in the (two-phase) demolition of the existing Ioanni & Ekaterini Gregoriou General Hospital of Sparta.
The above plan was devised based on proposals and suggestions by the existing hospital and involves the relocation and reconfiguration of the operating rooms, the central sterilization unit, the hemodialysis unit, the COVID-19 clinic and COVID-19 emergency department, the CT scanner, laboratories, and administrative services. These reconfigurations aim to secure the full functionality and continuity of medical services at the existing hospital throughout construction of the new infrastructure.
Following completion of technical studies by Betaplan Architects & Planners subsequently approved by the Ministry of Health, issuance of the building permit, and a tender process to select a contractor, Ballian Techniki was awarded the relocation and demolition works in April 2022. The contractor commenced the relocation works on site in May with the sequential delivery of units to the hospital starting in July with the hemodialysis unit, followed by the CT scanner and the laboratories. In August, the contractor delivered the COVID-19 clinic and COVID-19 emergency department as well as the storage areas. The relocation works were completed in September with the delivery of the new, temporary operating rooms. This process has necessitated the continuous cooperation between the hospital, the contractor, the Project Manager, the Ministry of Health, and SNF, which all together have successfully steered the relocation works within a hospital in operation.
According to the current timetable, the new SNF General Hospital of Sparta is expected to be completed and delivered to the Greek public in late 2025.
As SNF works to update the public regularly and accurately about the progress of the three new hospitals, and ensure the projects are developed with transparency and in the best interest of the local communities, the next round of town hall discussions will take place in early 2023.
- Support for the Renovation of the 2nd Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department at Evangelismos Athens General Hospital
The grant to revamp the 2nd Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the Emergency Department of Evangelismos Hospital is underway in collaboration with the Athanasios and Marina Martinou Foundation and Ms. Aliki Perroti.
Following inevitable delays in the implementation of the grant due to the critical role of Evangelismos Hospital amid COVID-19, activity has picked up significantly since summer 2022. The design studies for the renovation of the ICU have been finalized, reflecting feedback and changes by the hospital’s end-users—including an enhanced scope combining the renovation of the 2nd ICU with the works foreseen by the grant under SNF’s global relief initiative for COVID-19 for the renovation of the hospital’s old Stroke Unit. The integration of these two grants will allow unified revamping of spaces and future operation of a single enlarged ICU. The legal modalities of the two donations were adjusted accordingly, and ratification of the amended Health Initiative law is expected imminently.
The tender documents for the above works have been completed, in close collaboration with all parties, and the tender is expected to be launched shortly by Evangelismos Hospital. Completion of the new ICU is expected in summer 2023.
- Design, construction, and outfitting of two new buildings at Attikon General University Hospital of Athens
This grant under the Health Initiative pertains to the design, construction, and outfitting of two new buildings with the complex of Attikon General University Hospital—one of the largest public hospitals in the Attica region. One building will house on-call rooms and dedicated rest areas for doctors, and the second building will consolidate the headquarters of the Coordination Center for Mobile Medical Units (MMUs).
The preliminary design study is currently being finalized, providing different design scenarios for the end users and SNF to consider. Throughout this extensive design phase, the Design Team has remained in consultation with the hospital as well as the nonprofit Regeneration & Progress (R&P), which has been implementing the MMUs program since 2014 with an exclusive grant from SNF. Upon completion of the preliminary design, drafting of the individual Grant Agreement for the project will ensue, along with the launch of the construction design study. According to the current timetable, the project is expected to be completed and delivered to the Greek state and relevant organizations in early 2024.
- Sant Joan de Déu (SJD) Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona
In June 2022, the new Pediatric Cancer Center at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital was inaugurated, opening its doors for young patients from Spain and across the world. In collaboration with the Leo Messi Foundation, SNF has been a strategic starting funder for the construction of the new Center, having helped SJD bring its fundraising goals to completion back in 2018.
Building on SJD’s long history and internationally acclaimed excellence in pediatric medical care and oncology, the new Pediatric Cancer Center houses outpatient and inpatient care, treatments, procedures, and research under one roof—with enormous impact for patients. It has the capacity to receive 400 new patients each year and ranks fourth worldwide as a center for developmental cancer patient care. The Center was designed and developed in close and continuous collaboration with SJD’s doctors, nurses and professionals as well as with over 80 patients and their families who have experienced childhood cancer.
The exemplary patient- and family-centric approach followed by SJD in every aspect of delivering medical and emotional care is a source of inspiration for the Health Initiative and the development of the SNF University Pediatric Hospital of Thessaloniki. Beyond the completion of the grant for the new Pediatric Cancer Center, SNF and SJD aim to grow their partnership in support of advances in pediatric diseases as well as of the activation of the SNF University Pediatric Hospital and the establishment of collaborative frameworks on pediatric oncology between the two hospitals.